
Our sustainability program

Our idea of development is always in harmony with a sustainable vision, with a "circular" view that we express in many initiatives: from the optimisation of transport flows to the renewal of the vehicle fleet, from the use of clean energy to the energy upgrading of buildings.

A commitment to you, a promise to the environment.

What about performance? It is sustainable.


Green Strategy

Sustainability translates into concrete actions: with our Green Strategy we plan to use exclusively electric vehicles (zero emissions) or natural gas (low emissions) in the centre, and not only, of the largest Italian cities.

Such a turning point began in 2021 with Bologna, then it included Torino, Verona, Bergamo  by 2022 and, by 2025 all the major cities will be part of it.



Smart Urban Depot

In a sustainable horizon the reduction of polluting emissions is essential: for this reason reducing the routes covered and the number of vehicles on the road is paramount.

At BRT, the zero and low emission vehicles and the widespread network of pick-up points in every city allow to reduce the number of kilometres made and CO₂ emissions.


Air Quality Monitoring

Monitoring, measuring, off-setting. Through the Air Quality Monitoring initiative, we measure air quality with instruments mounted in our vehicles and at fixed stations.

With the creation of the Air Quality Monitoring project, BRT measures the average level of environmental pollution, exchanging such data with the city authorities to create a partnership.

What we do, in practice

Reduction of CO₂ emissions

Carbon neutral: the most beautiful compensation

At BRT the fleet reconversion (today 80% of the vehicles are Euro 5 or  superior) foresees an increasing presence of electric vehicles, methane propelled and pedal assisted cargobikes.

Every BRT shipment is CO₂ neutral, thanks to projects that off-set greenhouse gas emissions with the production of clean energy from renewable sources: from the wind power plant in India to the biogas production project in Brazilian landfills.

Reduction of CO₂ emissions

riduzione-emissioni riduzione-emissioni

Carbon neutral: the most beautiful compensation

At BRT the fleet reconversion (today 80% of the vehicles are Euro 5 or  superior) foresees an increasing presence of electric vehicles, methane propelled and pedal assisted cargobikes.

Every BRT shipment is CO₂ neutral, thanks to projects that off-set greenhouse gas emissions with the production of clean energy from renewable sources: from the wind power plant in India to the biogas production project in Brazilian landfills.

Energy consumption

Consumi energetici Consumi energetici

Energy consumption

At BRT all electricity is 100% renewable.

A sustainable commitment embraces every initiative: from the production of photovoltaic energy to full LED illuminated branches, to the installation of charging sockets for electric vehicles and the renewal of insulation systems.

Management of consumables

A commitment to reduced impact

From product recycling to regenerated materials and sustainable forests, these are the choices we make to reduce our environmental impact.

Logistics services: a virtuous consumption

From packaging to pallets, sustainability is a promise to be kept in detail with the use of recycled materials.

Management of consumables

materiali di consumo materiali di consumo

A commitment to reduced impact

From product recycling to regenerated materials and sustainable forests, these are the choices we make to reduce our environmental impact.

Logistics services: a virtuous consumption

From packaging to pallets, sustainability is a promise to be kept in detail with the use of recycled materials.

ecovadis silver medal certificate

EcoVadis silver medal

BRT has been awarded the EcoVadis silver medal, the world's most trusted platform for business sustainability ratings in the four macro-areas:

  • Environment
  • Labor & Human Rights
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable procurement