
Useful news

Our responsibility for people and the environment

"Sustainability" is not just a word to us but a duty: we are fully aware of the responsibility we have towards the Earth and its inhabitants and we actively translate this awareness into real actions.

Each shipment is handled with the utmost care to minimize environmental impact. For us, sustainability is a real commitment: BRT is a 100% carbon neutral group thanks to off-set projects to compensate CO2 emissions.

For us, acting responsibly means actively supporting society. Replacing emission vehicles with electric or natural gas vehicles for direct air quality improvement.

Our responsibility for people and the environment

Responsabilità uomo ambiente Responsabilità uomo ambiente

"Sustainability" is not just a word to us but a duty: we are fully aware of the responsibility we have towards the Earth and its inhabitants and we actively translate this awareness into real actions.

Each shipment is handled with the utmost care to minimize environmental impact. For us, sustainability is a real commitment: BRT is a 100% carbon neutral group thanks to off-set projects to compensate CO2 emissions.

For us, acting responsibly means actively supporting society. Replacing emission vehicles with electric or natural gas vehicles for direct air quality improvement.

Services for your e-commerce

Servizi ecommerce Servizi ecommerce

Services for your e-commerce

Today, online shopping requires maximum flexibility, speed and efficiency at every stage, even during delivery. For this reason we provide you with a range of services dedicated to the world of e-commerce, to make your business even easier, safer and more performing.

Discover the services that can let your online business grow!